The Chinese came out with the first ever steel in 386 Ad. The Chinese made their steel by simply putting the molten steel ore into the ore then letting it cool. Although this steel was fast and easy to make it was really brittle thus making it unreilable. The steel was unreilable because there was no oxidizer or carbon in the steel making it super brittle. People then could not find a way to improve it so they gave up, but many years later the Germans found a way to make the steel better.
Although this picture is not a actual Chinese person, it was the closetest I could get to the way that they make their steel. The process that the Chinese people used was called sand casting steel. This process was latter improved and is still used today.
The Germans came out with their modified version of steel in some time roughly 1790's. The Germans improved the chinese steel by actually putting an oxidizer in the steel, they put the oxidizer in; which in this case is pure black coal at the very bottom of their mold. After they put the coal in the bottom they poured in the steel then let it cool, then heat it up again. They heated it up then cooled it so the coal would eventually mix in with the steel making it a strong steel. Although the steel was now strong it was still not a reliable source because it took days to a weeks' time to make the steel so the public had to wait forever to get their steel. Yet again people could not find a fix to the problem so they gave up, but unlike the Chinese they kept making their steel but in low production, they still make this way today!